Yesterday marked my first full week in Germany, and the start of my first full week at Bosch. Work is going good so far, these last two days have been primarily training to get me acquainted with the testing equipment.
Bosch on Monday after work |
I also had to open a German bank account this week, which is actually pretty easy to do. Bosch needed an account that has an IBAN number, which is a European system, and not many American banks provide one. Luckily though my account at Deutsche Bank is free since I'm a student, all I really had to do was show them my passport and German residence registration.
Deutsche Bank in Boblingen |
Today was a little more interesting though. I actually got to see paratroopers coming down in the field next to our office for most of the morning. They were coming down in waves of four or five about every ten minutes until about noon. Couldn't tell if they were American or German troops, but it was cool to see. It also rained today, which was bad for me because I think a tree fell on my train home's track. The train I usually take home wasn't running when I went to the station, so I had to go around the long way, which took me through northen and central Stuttgart until I finally got to Boblingen.
On a positive note, my first package while in Germany arrived safe and sound. It was mailed through Deutsche Post, which I have to say is about the fasted standard mail service I've ever experienced. It was shipped yesterday and got here today. I also actually had to pick it up from one of my neighbors since the package was slightly too big for the letter box. They apparently leave mail with neighbors if you are not in or if it won't fit. Anyway the package was a copy of StarWing, the PAL version of StarFox. There's a company in Germany called Star Vox, and since V in German sounds like F, Nintendo changed the name.
StarWing |
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